(For residents only)
How To Subscribe To The [EmmensPreserve] Yahoo Group:
- Step 1: Send a blank email (no subject or body is necessary) to . This initiates your subscription.
- Step 2: Then REPLY to Yahoo's automatic response message, asking you to confirm it (i.e. just hit the reply button). You MUST complete this 2nd step.
- The Yahoo Group will automatically subscribe the address from which it receives the blank email
(This will happen after Rosalie verifies you are a resident, and approves it).
- You will then receive a confirmation message, plus a "new members message".
Optional: If you already HAVE a Yahoo ID:
You may want to use the "Join This Group" button on the Yahoo group page, which is at .
The below screen capture shows the button. (Note the below image is a screen capture {a picture}, so it has no links.)